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Smart Materials-2023

About us

With the splendid success of Smart Materials 2023, we are pleased to announce and invite you all for the Conference on “11th  International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology” (Smart Materials 2023) with the theme " Most Recent Innovations in Advanced Energy Materialswhich is going to be held during February 20-21, 2023 at Paris, France.
Smart  Materials  2023 provides platform for world-wide Researchers, Scientists, Professors, Engineers, and CEO’s of Energy Materials and Materials Science companies to share their research experience and indulge in interactive discussions on all aspects of Energy Materials, Solar Energy, Hydrogen Energy, Carbon Materials, Batteries and fuel cells. Join us for two intensive and interesting days of discussion on contemporary Energy Materials research.
Submission of proposals for Oral presentation, Poster presentation, Workshop, Company Presentations and Virtual presentations are invited. We also provide space for Institutes and companies to present their innovative products, services and research results
Young Researchers Forum - Young Scientist Awards
Young Research’s Awards at Smart Materials 2023 for the Nomination: Young Researcher Forum - Outstanding Masters/Ph.D./Post Doctorate thesis work Presentation, only 25 presentations acceptable at the Smart Materials 2023 young research forum.
Young Scientist Benefits
  • Our conferences provide best Platform for your research through oral presentations.
  • Share the ideas with both eminent researchers and mentors.
  • Young Scientist Award reorganization certificate and memento to the winners
  • Young Scientists will get appropriate and timely information by this Forum.
  • Platform for collaboration among young researchers for better development
  • Award should motivate participants to strive to realize their full potential which could in turn be beneficial to the field as whole.
Important and Scope
Energy is a part of Science in which materials technology plays an important role as Smart Materials 2023 to meet the needs of future environment. The increasing ecological problems such as energy storage, generation and conservation are the major drivers of Smart Materials technology. There is a need of developing sustainable energy production and consumption to achieve the socio economic and environmental targets.
The major significance of Energy helps in strengthening the research and advancement of materials for energy applications. The universal emphasis on energy is to develop materials for energy generation, low energy processing, energy conservation and conversion to meet the increasing energy demand of the country.
Smart Materials provides wide range of sessions that discourse the current innovations and novel approaches for the expansion of energy materials to meet the global desires. Smart Materials 2023 covers major subjects such as fuel cells, organic and inorganic photovoltaic, batteries and super capacitors, Piezoelectronics, hydrogen generation and storage, thermoelectric, photo catalysis, solar fuels and thermosolor power.
Why to attend?
Smart Materials 2023 offers an eccentric chance to meet and make new-fangled interactions in the field of Energy Materials, Materials Science and Engineering, by providing collaboration and break-out between sessions with valuable networking time. It aids delegates to have novel ideas, addressed on Smart Materials and Materials Science by renowned international professionals who are up to date with the progresses in Energy Materials and Materials Science field. This Global Smart Materials Conference assert knowledge with world prominent plenary speeches, keynote speakers, Young research forum, poster presentations, technical workshops and exhibitions
Target Audience
  • Energy Materials Scientists/ Researchers
  • Materials Scientists/Research Professors
  • Physicists/Chemists
  • Junior/Senior research fellows of Energy Materials/ Materials Science/ Nanotechnology
  • Energy Materials and Materials Science Students
  • Directors of chemical companies
  • Materials Engineers
  • Members of different Materials science associations.
  • Polymer Companies

Scientific Sessions

Scientific Session-1: Advanced Energy Materials
The increasing energy demand due to growing global population and the critical relationship between Energy, environment and sustainability lead to novel discoveries and advancement in the field of Energy Materials in search of alternative resources. The prime requirement to transform feedstock into suitable energy sources is the catalyst for better solar cells and energy storage materials. Energy Materials is making ground breaking developments in the science of materials innovation and production. At present, novel materials are technologically advanced for energy storage and generation. The transformation of Conventional fossil fuel to renewable and sustainable energy sources due to the geophysical and social stress results in the development of Smart Materials to support emerging technologies. The emerging materials for energy associated application are photovoltaic, fuel cells, nanostructured materials, light sources etc. The international EaaS (Energy as a service market) value is likely to be USD 1,116.5 million in 2018 and is estimated to reach USD 7,336.1 million by 2023 at a growing (CAGR) rate of 45.72% from 2018 to 2023. The foremost drivers are growing energy consumption, price instability and emerging potential of renewable energy resources
Scientific Session-2: Advanced Nano Materials
Nanomaterial or nanostructured materials are characterised into Nano composite, Nano foam, and Nano porous material and Nano crystalline materials depending on the phases of matter. The inorganic nanomaterials such as nanowires, Nano rods, and quantum dots are used in optoelectronics because of their optical and electrical properties that depend on their size and shape. These nanomaterials are potentially used in organic materials based optoelectronic devices which find its application in Organic solar cells, OLEDs etc. The functioning of these devices is ruled by photo induced processes such as electron transfer and energy transfer. Hence it is necessary to have enhanced understanding of photo induced processes in organic/inorganic nanomaterial composite for their application in optoelectronic devices. Nanoparticles is also been used as chemical catalyst which are very good adsorbents. Nanofabrication is a significant subfield of nanotechnology associated with energy. The method of producing and designing devices at nanoscale is called as Nanofabrication. The nanofabricated devices help in capturing, storing and transfer of energy in a better way to meet the existing energy technologies, thus utilized in the development of consumer products. The benefits include increased heating and lightning efficiency, improved electrical storage capacity and reduction in pollution which enables the capital investment in the nanotechnology research.
Europe: European Nano science and Nanotechnology Association, Nanotechnology Industries Association, Russian Society of Scanning Probe Microscopy and Nanotechnology
USA: American Nano Society, International Association of Nanotechnology, Nanotechnology and Nano science Student Association (NANSA), American Bar Association Section Nanotechnology Project, American Chemical Society, Microscopy society of America
Asia: Asian Nano science and Nanotechnology Association, International association of Nanotechnology, Chinese Society of Nanotechnology , Korean Society of Nanotechnology, Japanese Society of Nanotechnology
Hydrogen which is simple, abundant, zero-emission fuel in the earth is used as an energy carrier for broad range of application. Under normal temperature and pressure hydrogen is colourless, nontoxic, non-metallic and combustible gas and could be used as a substitute to fossil and liquid fuels. Hydrogen energy have been potentially used in cars, houses, mobile power, to launch satellite vehicles, industries, in telecom tower for power back up, to produce electricity, internal combustion engines and many more applications. Hydrogen is produced from numerous resources such as natural gas, coal (carbon sequestration), nuclear energy, and biomass, solar, hydro-electric power and geothermal by varied processes. Hydrogen originates from several organic compounds, particularly hydrocarbons which are used to make other fuel such as natural gas, gasoline, methanol and propane. Hydrogen is being separated from hydrocarbons by the process of reforming, electrolysis. Water splitting, one of the electrochemical processes is the more significant research area. Pure form of hydrogen has its capability to operate fuel cell in zero- emission electric vehicles. The future of hydrogen is to join electricity as a significant energy carrier and can be transported to necessary location.
Europe: Spanish Hydrogen Association, French Hydrogen Association, The German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association, North Atlantic Hydrogen Association, Italian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association, Dutch Hydrogen Association, Norwegian Hydrogen Association, Spanish Hydrogen Association - Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Technologies, Swiss Hydrogen Association, UK Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Association.
USA: Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA), International association of Hydrogen Energy, National Hydrogen Association, Australian Association for Hydrogen Energy, Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association
Asia: Hydrogen Association of India, Hydrogen Energy Systems Society of Japan, The Korean Hydrogen and New Energy Society, Indian Association for Hydrogen Energy and Advanced Materials
Scientific Session-4: Solar Energy Materials
The emerging potential power generation since last decade is solar technology. The propagation of research on materials science and technology associated to photo thermal, Photoelectrochemical, photovoltaic, solar energy conversion is projected to be by Solar Energy Materials and Solar cells. Solar absorber devices, radioactive cooling system, heat storage materials are some of the photo thermal devices. Photochemical and Photoelectrochemical devices include photo catalysis, photo electrodes, solar desalination system, photo conversion and their applications. Light trapping, solar concentrators, imaging and non-imaging optical collectors, texturing are the optical properties of materials
Europe: International Solar Energy Society, Czechoslovak Solar Energy Society (CSSE), ISES Austria, Danish Solar Energy Society (DKSES), Solar Energy Society of Ireland, Norwegian Solar Energy Society, Asociación Espanola de Energia Solar (AEDES).
USA: American Solar Energy Society, Solar Energy Industries Association, American Solar Energy Society, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), Association of Professional Energy Managers (APEM), EnergyTrust of Oregon, Solar Energy Society of Canada INc. (SESCI)
Asia: Solar Energy Society of India, Chinese Solar Energy Society (CSES), Asociación Costarricense de Energia Solar, Egyptian Solar Energy Society (ESES), Japansese Solar Energy Society, Korean Solar Energy Society (KSES)
Scientific Session-5: Polymer Energy Materials
Polymeric materials  are vital for the future electronic devices and flexible electronic applications. The research based on the electronic, structural and chemical properties of polymeric materials are widely used in the applications of microelectronics and low cost solar materials. Their applications include lithium-ion polymer battery (LiPo), electro active polymers, polymeric surface, Crystallization of polymers, cationic & plasma polymerization, polymer brush etc... In recent times, self-healing materials industrialized for energy harvesting and storage are all polymer‐based materials. Those self-healing Energy Harvesting Devices include nanogenerators, Photovoltaics, solar cells, supercapacitors and lithium batteries. Recently lightweight composite material is discovered for energy storage in flexible electronics, electric vehicles and aerospace applications
Europe: The Polymer Society UK, Telford Polymer Association, European Polymer Dispersion and Latex Association, Polish Chemical Society, British Plastic Association, Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe, European Council for Plasticisers & Intermediates.
USA: American Chemical Society (Division of Polymer Chemistry), American Physical Society, American Chemical Society Division of Polymeric Materials, American Plastics Council, Brazilian Polymer Association, Plastic Industry Association USA, Society of Plastics Engineers,  Society of the Plastics Industry.
Asia: Asian Polymer Association, Society for Polymer Science, Polymer Society of Thailand, Federation of Polymer Societies, Polymer society of Japan.
Scientific Session-6: Crystalline Porous Materials
Crystalline porous materials is the trending research area in the field of proton conducting materials that includes Coordination polymers (CPs), polyoxometalates (POMs), covalent organic frameworks (COFs) and metal–organic frameworks (MOFs). Among those are two major evolving and developing families of crystalline porous materials, Covalent-organic frameworks (COFs) and Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs). These materials are categorized by their extreme porosity, wonderful structural density and flexible functional tenability at molecular level which find its application in batteries, supercapacitors and electrochemical energy storage devices. The crystalinity of materials offers stability for the electrochemical treatment and porosity (high surface area) helps in diffusion of electrolytes and mobility of ions.
Europe: European Materials Research Society, Austrian Society for Metallurgy and Materials, Federation of European Materials Societies, The European Semiconductor Industry Association (ESIA), Czech Society for New Materials and Technologies
U.S.A: American Physical Society, Magnetic Materials Producers Association, Materials Research Society, The Materials Information Society, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, American Chemical Society.
Asia-Pacific: Materials Research Society of Singapore, International Association of Advanced Materials, The Association of East Asian Research Universities, Chinese Society for Metals.
Scientific Session-7: Catalysis and Energy Materials
The materials for catalysis and energy with electrochemical properties are appropriately used in energy storage applications such as batteries and electro catalysts. Metal nanoparticles are also widely explored heterogeneous catalysis. The size of these metal nanostructures manipulates the activity of catalysis. The novel energy research approaches to overcome the usage of fossil fuels is to develop chemical energy storage of renewable energy. Materials with emerging energy technologies such as super capacitors, renewable energy sources, thermoelectric devices, photovoltaic cells, piezoelectric, ferroelectric materials will be sustainable to withstand the global energy demand. The Single- atom catalyst (SACs) which has single metal atom attached on support has low particle size with increased free energy. The suitable interaction with other isolated atoms creates stable active sites with high selectivity.
Europe: European Federation of Catalysis Societies, Netherlands Institute for Catalysis Research, Finnish Catalysis Society, European Materials Research Society, Federation of European Materials Societies.
U.S.A: The International Association of Catalysis Societies, North American Catalysis Society, American Physical Society, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, American Chemical Society
Asia-Pacific: The catalysis society of India, Asia-Pacific Association of Catalysis Societies, Catalysis Society of Australia, The Catalysis Society of China, High Energy Materials Society of India, International Association of Advanced Materials, Materials Research Society of Singapore
Scientific Session-8: Biomaterials for Energy production
With increasing energy demand, world’s energy supply is likely to drop in the near future due to the declining fossil fuel feed stocks hence science and technology have to find alternative resources for the production of fuels. Currently, biomass and food waste is considered as the renewable feedstock for the production of chemicals and fuels in Europe. These renewable materials are utilized for the production of biopolymers, bioplastics and bioethanol. Biomolecules such as peptides and proteins are under research to create new nanomaterials to enhance the efficiency of photovoltaic such as solar cells and other electronic devices. Bioproteins power can also be harnessed for non-biological materials applications. Biomaterials have also been used as electrode materials in rechargeable lithium batteries. The nanostructure of these materials improves their electrochemical activity, thus enhance the battery performance.
Europe: European Society for Biomaterials, UK Society for Biomaterials, Romanian Society For Biomaterials, The Hellenic Society for Biomaterials, Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials, Italian Society for Biomaterials.
USA: Society for Biomaterials, Canadian Biomaterials Society, The International Society of Biomedical Polymers and Polymeric Biomaterials (ISBPPB), World Biomaterials Congress.
Asia: The Korean Society for Biomaterials, Japanese Society for Biomaterials, Chinese Society for Biomaterials, Society for Biomaterials and Artificial Organs.
Scientific Session-9: Advanced Graphene & 2D Materials
2D materials (2D allotropes of several elements or compounds) also mentioned as single layer materials are crystalline in nature containing single layer of atoms. These materials find its application in semiconductors, electrodes, water purification and photovoltaic. Graphene, the global first 2-D carbon material also called as “wonder material” is a transparent material with one atom thick sheet. Graphene shows unique properties such as high efficient electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and current density are hundred times stronger than steel. It is the most ideal material for applications such as extremely strong composite materials, flexible displays and nano-transistors. The worldwide graphene market is predictable to range USD 278.47 Million by 2020, with a development of 42.8% from 2015 to 2020 in electronic devices, composite materials, semiconductor materials and battery technologies. Graphene based composite materials are available for commercial purpose in tennis rackets, bikes and skis. The projecting energy associated areas where graphene will have an effect is sun powered solar cells, supercapacitors, catalysis and lithium-particle batteries.
Europe: Federation of European Materials Societies, Austrian Society for Metallurgy and Materials, The European Semiconductor Industry Association (ESIA), European Materials Research Society
U.S.A: Graphene Stakeholders Association (GSA), Semiconductor Research Corporation, National Graphene Association, The Graphene Council, American Chemical Society - Nanotechnology Safety Resources, International Association of Nanotechnology, ASME Nanotechnology Institute
Asia-Pacific: Semiconductors Society of India, Materials Research Society of Singapore, Russian Nanotechnology Corporation, Asian Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Association, International association of Nanotechnology.
Battery is an electric device comprises of one or more electrochemical cells uses external electric connections to power the electrical devices such as smartphones, flashlights and electric cars. There are two types of batteries, primary and secondary. The former type of batteries are used once and discarded, while the later type can be discharged and recharged several times. Batteries convert chemical energy directly to electrical energy that consists of some number of voltaic cells. The voltage established across a cell's terminals is subject to the energy release of the chemical reactions of its electrodes and electrolyte. Solid-state battery was invented in 2017 by John Good enough where both the electrodes and electrolyte will be in solid state.Solid electrolytes also termed as superionics are materials that reveals high values of ionic conductivity and is widely studied materials for solid state batteries, gas sensors, fuel cells, batteries and electrochromic devices. Solid electrolytes are the potential materials to replace organic electrolytes that are flammable and toxic. This new type of battery is “three times energy denser”, safer, faster charging and used for longer lasting rechargeable batteries such as mobile devices, stationary energy storage and electric vehicles. Photovoltaic (PV) cells are devices that engross light and convert directly into electricity (e.g., solar cell). PV cell is categorized into three main types inorganic, organic and photoelectrochemical. Inorganic PV cells are commercially available as mono-crystalline, multi-crystaline and amorphous. The Industrial batteries market for end-user industry is expected to reach USD 10.84 Billion by 2021, at a CAGR of 6.5% between 2016 and 2021. The advancement in the market can be primarily due to the increasing demand from the locomotive sector, development in renewable energy sector, enlarged recycling efficiency of lead-acid and lithium-based industrial batteries, and greater performance of industrial batteries in terms of energy density.
Europe: Danish Battery Society, The Rechargeable Battery association, Battery Vehicle Society (BVS) , European Portable Battery Association, Argentinean Battery Association, British Battery Industry Federation
U.S.A: Canadian Battery Association, Energy Storage Association, Battery Council International (BCI), Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association
Asia-Pacific: Australian Battery Industry Association, Japan Battery Association, Taiwan Fuel Cell Partnership (TFCP), Electric Vehicle Association of Asia Pacific (EVAAP), Korea Battery Industry Association
Optical materials and coatings play a significant role in defining the effectiveness of solar conversion processes. The coating materials for optical devices are under research development.  Few of the coating materials currently in use are heat mirrors, reflector materials, selective absorbers, fluorescent concentrator materials, cold mirrors, holographic films, optical switching films, radiative cooling surfaces and transparent insulation materials. These materials help in improving the novelty of solar energy conversion, energy-efficient windows, photovoltaic, and other hybrid designs. The functioning of electronic devices is efficiently controlled by switching devices. The innovation in electronic and photonic nanomaterials will results in the advancement of computing devices and solid-state lightning. Existing research comprises of organic semiconductors, thin films, nanostructures and bulk crystal growth. The silicon carbide semiconductor market is projected to raise $3182.89 Million by 2020, at an estimated CAGR of 42.03%. Magnetized materials are termed as ferromagnetic materials that comprises of cobalt, iron, nickel, alloys and rare earth elements. These ferromagnetic materials find its application in medicine as contrasting agent for MRI scans.
Europe: European Optical Society, United Physical Society of Russian Federation, Danish Optical Society, Italian Optical Society, Austrian Physical Society, Finnish Optical Society, French Physical Society.
U.S.A: Optical Society of America (OSA), American Physical Society, IEEE Photonics Society, IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, International Society of Optical Engineering
Asia-Pacific: Optical Society of Japan, Optical Society of Hong-Kong, Optical Society of Korea, Optical Society of China
Scientific Session-12: Energy Harvesting Materials
Energy harvesting or scavenging is the process of capturing small amounts of energy which would be lost in the form of heat, light, sound, vibration and the stored energy is used to improve the efficiency for wireless sensor network, wearable electronics and automotive devices. These materials are capable of replacing batteries for small, low power electronic devices and are environmentally friendly. The waste energy can be harvested by different materials. Thermoelectric and pyroelectric materials help in capturing heat and are transformed into electric power. The vibration, movement and sound are captured by piezoelectric materials that are transformed into electric power. Initially, thermoelectric materials are limited due to small conversion efficiency, but the occurrence of nanostructured thermoelectric materials led to significant development in enhancing thermoelectric properties. The pyroelectric effect is being used in sensors.
Europe: European Materials Research Society, Spanish Association for Composite Materials, Czech Society for New Materials and Technologies, Danish Metallurgical Society, European Composites Industry Association, Federation of European Materials Societies
U.S.A: The Materials Information Society, American Physical Society, Magnetic Materials Producers Association, Materials Research Society, American Chemical Society
Asia-Pacific: International Association of Advanced Materials, Materials Research Society of Singapore, The Association of East Asian Research Universities, Australian Composite Structures Society.
The increasing power consumption in developing regions enhances the power infrastructure and concern regarding the use of renewable power supplies. The governments worldwide are increasingly investing in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. As per the global forecast to 2023, the power electronics market by materials, device type and application is predictable to increase from USD 39.03 Billion in 2018 to USD 51.01 Billion by 2023, increasing at a CAGR of 5.5% between 2018 and 2023. The growth of this market is endorsed to the advancement of power electronics and developing demand for energy-efficient battery-power portable devices. The major players in the power electronics market are Texas Instruments in US, On Semiconductor in US, Infineon Technologies in Germany, STMicroelectronics in Switzerland, NXP Semiconductors in Netherland, Vishay Intertechnology in US, Maxim Integrated Products in US etc., The major areas for emerging technologies are Storage, Smart grid and Electricity generation. Emerging Energy storage encompasses novel, economical ways of storing energy in the form of improved batteries, fuel cells, hydrogen energy storage and transport. Smart grid technologies enable efficient generation and use of energy. Emerging Electricity generation is characterized by the technology to generate power from unused resources.
Europe: The European Semiconductor Industry Association (ESIA), Federation of European Materials Societies, Spanish Association for Composite Materials, Austrian Society for Metallurgy and Materials, Czech Society for New Materials and Technologies, European Materials Research Society, Danish Metallurgical Society, European Composites Industry Association
U.S.A: American Physical Society, Magnetic Materials Producers Association, Materials Research Society, Society for Biomaterials, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, The Materials Information Society, American Chemical Society
Asia-Pacific: International Association of Advanced Materials, Materials Research Society of Singapore, The Association of East Asian Research Universities, Australian Composite Structures Society, Chinese Society for Composite Materials, Japan Society for Composite Materials, Chinese Society for Metals.

Market Research

Market Analysis
Smart  Materials  2023 provides platform for world-wide Researchers, Scientists, Professors, Engineers, and CEO’s of Energy Materials and Materials Science companies to share their research experience and indulge in interactive discussions on all aspects of Energy Materials, Solar Energy, Hydrogen Energy, Carbon Materials, Batteries and fuel cells. Join us for two intensive and interesting days of discussion on contemporary Energy Materials research       .
Smart Materials Conference provides wide range of sessions that discourse the current innovations and novel approaches for the expansion of energy materials to meet the global desires. Smart  Materials 2023covers major subjects such as fuel cells, organic and inorganic photovoltaic, batteries and super capacitors, Piezoelectronics, hydrogen generation and storage, thermoelectric, photo catalysis, solar fuels and thermosolor power.
The organizing committee of Smart Materials 2023 is arranging for an exciting and enlightening conference program this year also that embraces plenary talks, keynote lectures, oral presentations, symposia, workshops on diverse topics, poster presentations and exhibitions for participants from all over the sphere. We are pleased to invite you for this conference on Smart Materials   and Research where you will be sure of having prominent experience from worldwide scholars.
For more details please visit: Energy Materials Conferences
Important and Scope
Energy is a part of Science in which materials technology plays an important role as Smart Materials   to meet the needs of future environment. The increasing ecological problems such as energy storage, generation and conservation are the major drivers of Energy Materials technology. There is a need of developing sustainable energy production and consumption to achieve the socio economic and environmental targets.
The major significance of Energy helps in strengthening the research and advancement of materials for energy applications. The universal emphasis on energy is to develop materials for energy generation, low energy processing, energy conservation and conversion to meet the increasing energy demand of the country.
Smart Materials   provides wide range of sessions that discourse the current innovations and novel approaches for the expansion of energy materials to meet the global desires. Smart Materials 2023 covers major subjects such as fuel cells, organic and inorganic photovoltaic, batteries and super capacitors, Piezoelectronics, hydrogen generation and storage, thermoelectric, photo catalysis, solar fuels and thermosolor power.
Major Energy Materials Societies and Association around the globe
•              The European Semiconductor Industry Association (ESIA)
•              Federation of European Materials Societies
•              Spanish Association for Composite Materials
•              European Materials Research Society
•              European Composites Industry Association
•              American Physical Society
•              Materials Research Society
•              American Chemical Society
•              International Association of Advanced Materials
•              Materials Research Society of Singapore
•              Australian Composite Structures Society
•              Chinese Society for Composite Materials
•              Japan Society for Composite Materials
•              European Optical Society
•              United Physical Society of Russian Federation
•              Optical Society of America (OSA)
•              IEEE Photonics Society
•              IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society
•              International Society of Optical Engineering

Past conference report

Past Conference Report
We gratefully thank all our wonderful Speakers, Conference Attendees, Students, Media Partners, Associations and Sponsors for making Nanomaterials 2017 Conference the best ever!
The "14th International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology" hosted by the Conferenceseries LLC held during March 30- 31, 2017 at Madrid, Spain based on the theme Exploring New Ideas in the field of Nanomaterials & Nanotechnology". Benevolent response and active participation was received from the Organizing Committee Members along with Scientists, Researchers, Students and leaders from various fields of Medicine, Nanotechnology, pharmacy, who made this event a grand success.
We also offer our sincere thanks for the support given to the conference by Organizing Committee members by suggesting topics and speakers:
MCS 2018 clearly noticeable with the presence of supported Journal’s Editorial Board Members, Scientists, young and enthusiastic Researchers, Business Delegates and talented Students from more than 41 countries made this conference highly fruitful and productive.
Conference Series LLC Ltd. would like to acknowledge the Honorable Guests,
David Michael Parish, Sherwin Williams Company, USA
Jun Yang, Western University, Canada
Ghislain David, Institute Charles Gerhardt of Montpellier, France
Jung Kwon (John) Oh, Concordia University, Canada
Thanks to all of our wonderful Speakers, Conference Attendees and Poster presenters; Materials Chemistry 2019 Conference was our best ever!
12th International Conference and Exhibition on Materials Science and Chemistry hosted by Conference Series LLC Ltd was held during May 20-22, 2019 Zurich, Switzerland at Movenpick Hotel Zurich Regensdorf, Zurich, Switzerland with the theme “A Chemical Breakthrough for Materials Science Innovations” which got splendid response. With the support and guidance of Organizing Committee Members and Editorial Board Members and astonishing presentations of all participants this prominent event became more impressive.
Angeline Poulon-Quintin, ICMCB, University of Bordeaux, France
Tsan-Yao Chen, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Jean-Francois Silvain, ICMCB-CNRS, France
Thanks to all of our wonderful Speakers, Conference Attendees and Collaborators; Materials Chemistry 2018 Conference was our best ever!
6th International Conference and Exhibition on Materials Science and Chemistry hosted by Conference Series LLC Ltd was held during May 17-18, 2018 Rome, Italy at Holiday Inn Rome Aurelia, Rome, Italy with the theme “An Insight into the research aspects of Chemistry for the intuition of Materials Syntheses and Processing” which got splendid response. With the support and guidance of Organizing Committee Members and Editorial Board Members and astonishing presentations of all participants this prominent event became more impressive.
Hanshan Dong, University of Birmingham, UK
Fargin Evelyne, ICMCB - Université Bordeaux, France
Theo Rasing, Radboud University, Netherlands
Thanks to all of our wonderful Speakers, Conference Attendees and Collaborators; Materials Chemistry 2017 Conference was our best ever!
2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Materials Science and Chemistry hosted by Conference Series LLC Ltd was held during July 13-14, 2017 Berlin, Germany at Golden Tulip Berlin - Hotel Hamburg, Berlin, Germany with the theme “Strategic Approach Leading to Unfolding Tactics in the World of Materials Chemistry” which got splendid response. With the support and guidance of Organizing Committee Members and Editorial Board Members and astonishing presentations of all participants this prominent event became more impressive.
Conference Series LLC Ltd would like to convey a great appreciation to following eminent people, honourable guests and Keynote speakers.
Alain Demourgues, University of Bordeaux, ICMCB-CNRS, France
Reshef Tenne, Weizmann Institute, Israel
Ian S Butler, McGill University, Canada
Sandra Luber, University of Zurich, Switzerland

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date February 20-21, 2023

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

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All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

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